Thornell Road Elementary School
School Principal: Edward Foote
TRE PTSA Chairs: Shruti Basim and Laurel Gildersleeve
Square 1 Art
Square 1 Art
Square 1 Art is a school PTSA fundraiser and a great way to personalize holiday gifts for family and friends with your child(ren)'s artwork. The Square 1 Art paper and directions will be sent home in your child's folder. See below for more information about this fun, engaging project.
Artwork MUST be submitted by October 4th. Sorry, no exceptions. Families will be able to order customized products in November, provided work was submitted by the October 4 deadline.
Artwork will be available to order online in November. Link to the Square 1 Art using the button below. Please note that the button will only be clickable during the order window.
Square 1 Art
STEP 1: Your child creates a picture on the art paper provided
Paper will come home in your child's take-home folder in mid-September
Artwork looks best when completed using colorful markers, crayons, or watercolors
The allotted space should be colored in completely so that the artwork transfers more boldly
Your child should sign his or her artwork - greater than 1” from the edge or prominently within the picture
View the links below for artwork inspiration, tips, do's, and don'ts
Return the completed paper to your child's classroom teacher by Wednesday, October 4, 2017
Every child who returns a completed art paper will receive a free set of stickers printed with their artwork, as well as the opportunity to purchase products with their artwork
STEP 2: Order products featuring your child's artwork
In late October/early November, a catalog with products that can feature your child’s artwork will be sent home
Your child will receive their FREE personal artwork stickers with the catalog
Order as many products as you’d like for yourself, or to give as gifts
Paper order forma must be submitted to school with payment by Tuesday, November 7th at noon. NO EXCEPTIONS