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  • Welcome Newcomers
    Welcome to Allen Creek Elementary School! Parents contributed ideas for this page to help families quickly acclimate to the school. We hope you find it helpful and welcome suggestions for adding information for parents.
  • Room Parents/Room Reps
    Each classroom has two volunteer room parents. The school directory lists the room parents for each class. Be sure to contact your child’s room parent with your contact information.
  • School Directory
    All families receive a printed school directory each year. To be included, families must submit their contact information online. New families arriving after distribution will receive a directory in the Newcomer Packet. Ask at the school office if you didn’t receive one. This form is also used to create and update Class Friendship Lists. Families use the class list for birthday invites, playdates, etc. and some teachers use it for communicating class information. Visit the Student Directory page for more information.
  • eNews
    Stay informed with school and district E-News and Updates. It is recommended that you register for the following PTSA lists: Thornell Road E-News District PTSA E-news Other PTSA groups of interest Subscribe
  • After School Enrichment (ASE)
    TRE has an active ASE program. Only TRE students can attend TRE ASE activities. To view programs and register, visit the ASE page.
  • School Lunches
    Students in Grades 1-5 have lunch at school. Students can pack a lunch, buy a lunch with cash, or money can be added to a lunch “debit” card. Lunch cards are kept at school and handed out when a student buys lunch. To put money on this card, visit the My School Bucks website. Parents may have lunch with their children. Sign in at the front desk, get a visitor sticker and meet your child in the cafeteria (please do not go to their classroom). Recess is FIRST, then lunch. Lunch begins about 20 minutes after the start of recess. Lunch lasts approximately 20 minutes. Grade 1 Recess begins at 11:25am Grade 2 Recess begins at 11:40am Grade 3 Recess begins at 12:00pm Grade 4 Recess begins at 12:15pm Grade 5 Recess begins at 12:30pm
  • Websites and Information
    This is the TRE PTSA website. Do not confuse it with the Pittsford Central School District Website. They are maintained independently, although they do share ideas and link to each other. The District PTSA website and the TRE PTSA website are maintained by the Pittsford PTSA volunteers and provides information about PTSA sponsored programs, as well as helpful information about our school. The District website is maintained by District employees and focuses on district information. Bookmark these pages for quick reference: TRE PTSA Home Page District PTSA Home Page School District Home Page
  • Newcommer Chair
    Jessica Izzo
  • Pick up and Drop Off
    Parents/guardians are required to sign their children into and out of the building at the front desk if they did not arrive by bus. Park your car in the parking lot and enter through the main doors of the school. Do NOT park in the bus loop. 4th and 5th graders are allowed to walk to and from school, if they have a permission slip on file with the school main office. Note: morning announcements start at 8:40am; if your child arrives at school after 8:40am, they will be considered late for school.
  • Community
    Pittsford has a vibrant community, offering many services and events. The school district, PTSA and community organizations work collaboratively to offer students extended services and opportunities beyond school. Visit the Partner page links on the TRE or District PTSA website.
  • Useful Phone Numbers
    Main Office 585-267-1700 Attendance Line 585-267-1709 Nurse's Office 585-267-1740 Guidance Office 585-267-1760 Transportation 585-267-1480
  • About TRE
    Thornell Road Elementary School is often referred to as TRE; it is the smallest of the 5 elementary schools in the district, with about 450 students in grades K-5. Most grade levels have 3-4 classes. Kindergarten classes are currently half day and broken up into morning and afternoon classes. The school district expects it will begin full day kindergarten no later than 2019, though the change is still subject to approval.
  • Volunteer Opportunities
    Occasionally there may be opportunities to volunteer in your child's classroom. This is class specific and depends on grade level and teacher. Contact the room parents for more information. If you are unsure who your child's room parents are, contact the PTSA chair or refer to the Student Directory. There are also opportunities to volunteer for PTSA sponsored events and programs. Read the TRE E-news and e-mails from the room parents to learn more about these opportunities.
  • PTSA Membership
    TRE’s PTSA is very active in organizing/supporting many programs at TRE and throughout the district. Family membership is only $17 and covers all students in your family attending a school in the district. You are not committing to attending meetings or volunteering for a committee when paying dues. You are simply helping PTSA raise the money that is used to support many things for our children. Visit the Membership page to see the many programs supported by PTSA. Join PTSA
  • What are the important ACE phone numbers?
    Main Number: 585-267-1700 Heath Office: 585-267-1740 Bus Garage: 585-267-1480 Attendance Line: 585-267-1709
  • What time will by child be home on Early Dismissal days?
    Refer to the School District Calendar for important dates and times, including early dismissal days. The calendar will note the time school ends on these days. If your child rides the bus, it should take your child an equitable amount of time to get home on the bus as it takes them on a regular day. For Kindergarteners, some Early Dismissal days are a no school day, while others are a regular day. The school usually sends home reminders about these days to avoid confusion. Read the updates carefully.
  • Is there a Back-To-School orientation/summer visit day?
    A school information packet will be sent out at the end of August with details regarding visiting the school/classroom prior to the first day.
  • Can I get a class list with student contact information?
    Families should sign up online to be included in the school directory. If you have signed up previously, a link will be emailed directly to you asking to confirm your contact information. Directories are printed and distributed to all students.
  • What "specials" do students participate in at school?"
    Art, gym, library, computer and music. Each day your child will have one or more special. Your classroom teacher will send this schedule home early in the school year. Children in 4th and 5th grades are required to bring in a change of clothing for gym class and will be assigned a locker.
  • Do I have any input as to my child's teacher placement for next year?
    In the spring, the building principal sends home a form via your child's Take Home Folder requesting family input. The purpose of collecting input is to place students into the environment that best suits them. Families can’t request to have (or not have) a specific teacher. Current year teachers also provide feedback to the principal to help make the best choice for each child. A week or two before school starts, families receive a welcome back packet with teacher assignment and back to school information.
  • What is the protocol on teacher's gifts, particularly during the holidays?"
    In the spring, PTSA organizes Teacher Appreciation Day. Room parents will contact families and ask them to consider donating a small amount per child. This is voluntary and it is NOT allowed to be more than $5. With this money, they will organize a class gift for the teacher(s) in your child's class. Recent NYS tax laws state that gifts worth a total of $75 or more received from students have to be reported as extra earnings by the teachers. Over the holidays, some parents choose to send in cookies or other small tokens to show their appreciation. This is voluntary and again should not be a costly gift.
  • Who do I contact regarding Special Education Services? Are there any additional parental supports?
    Elizabeth Woods is the Director of Special Education and can be reached at 267-1014. Parent Advocates for Special Students (PASS) is a district wide, PTSA sponsored network of parents interested in special education and trends. Visit the PASS web page for more information.
  • What is offered to buy for lunch and how much is it? How do they pay for lunch?
    Lunch and recess are at the same time each day. Hot lunches cost $3.00 (subject to change from year to year) and include milk. A menu with daily selections is sent home at the beginning of each month. Fruit and yogurt, salad bar and a bagel box are also offered on a daily basis. Parents are encouraged to sign up for an online for a debit card on Parents may come in and have lunch with their child at any time throughout the year. Please check with your child’s teacher regarding their lunch time. Please contact the school if your children have allergies or with questions.
  • Is there a Lost and Found?
    There are Lost and Found containers at school and in the district transportation office The transportaiton office is (located directly across the parking lot from the Mendon Center Elementary main entrance.
  • What do I need to bring to visit school?
    Bring a drivers license or photo ID when visiting. Anyone entering the school must use the main entrance and sign in at the office before entering the building. All other doors are locked during the school day. Visitors are required to wear a visitor sticker at all times while in the building.
  • Are there any gatherings or resources for newcomers?
    TRE PTSA has created a page with useful information for Newcomers. During the school year, newcomers have an opportunity to ask questions at TRE PTSA meetings. These meetings are a great opportunity to meet parents at the school. Visit the Newcomers page for more information.
  • Can I bring my children who do not attend TRE to the school if I am attending a PTSA meeting, volunteering with ASE, joining my child for lunch or to a classroom activity?"
    Most often this is not a problem. (Definitely for PTSA meetings, ASE volunteering, and lunch) However, for classroom activities, check with the teacher or organizer first.
  • What does TRE PTSA do?
    The District PTSA and TRE PTSA support many programs, both financially and/or with volunteers. Without your membership dues and time, these programs wouldn't be possible. Visit the Program Directory for more information about current programs.
  • What sporting activities are in the area?
    Pittsford has many sporting clubs. Here are a few that may be of interest: Pittsford Mustangs - Developmental and travel soccer leagues Pittsford Little League - Fall and spring programs and leagues. Pittsford Community Lacrosse Inc.- Several programs for boys and girls starting in kindergarten CYP Basketball Pittsford Volleyball League- for 3rd-6th graders
  • How does my son/daughter join Girl Scouts or Boy Scouts?
    Girl Scout Information: Girl Scout troops start in kindergarten. Visit the Girl Scouts website for more information: Girl Scouts Cub Scouts: Cub Scouts start in 1st grade. Visit the Boy Scounts website for more information: Boy Scouts
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